Friday, April 27, 2018

Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge - Part 2

Here are some more pics from our drive through the auto tour

We saw a group of Black-tailed Deer on the auto tour and the babies were kicking their heels up and running around, clearly enjoying springtime!

For lots of photos of the birds we saw at the refuge,
please visit my birding blog Wings and Daydreams!

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Let's go on an adventure!

Friday, April 20, 2018

Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge - Part 1

Auto Tour

There's almost always a Western Pond Turtle on this log near the observation platform...

You know it's springtime when you see Desert Cottontails hopping down the auto tour!

We also saw lots of shorebirds during our visit to the refuge.
For pics of all the birds, please visit my birding blog Wings and Daydreams!

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vaughn the road again northern california travel adventures guide

Let's go on an adventure!