Friday, August 9, 2019

Geared up for hiking!

I waited far too long to purchase a proper hiking hat!

Up until now, I've gotten by with a regular baseball cap and mostly no hat at all, but hiking in the summertime definitely requires some better coverage. After getting sunburned on my neck for the last time, I hit Amazon and ordered a cute new sun hat.

Why in the heck did I wait so long?! The 360 coverage is awesome, it comes in 6 different colors (I ordered it in purple), it's totally inexpensive, and the best part is my ponytail can have free reign out the back!

vaughn the road again northern california travel adventures guide

Here is the link for the hat and you can check out my Gear page for my backpack and shoes.

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vaughn the road again northern california hiking adventures guide

Let's go on an adventure!

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